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   2014-10-28 新浪博友“正能量粒子”169

  • 美国联邦地质调查局(USGS)上有一份关于全美2005年取用水情况的报告(http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/1344/pdf/c1344.pdf),对我们了解美国水资源状况有一个总的了解,博主选取其中的摘要部分和热力发电部分进行了翻译,未获授权翻译,也未进行校对。本人承诺不应用于商业用途。




    表1 1950-2005年全美用水量趋势(单位:十亿加仑/天)

    Estimates of water use in the United States indicate that about 410 billion gallons per day (Bgal/d) were withdrawn in 2005 for all categories summarized in this report. This total is slightly less than the estimate for 2000, and about 5 percent less than total withdrawals in the peak year of 1980. Freshwater withdrawals in 2005 were 349 Bgal/d, or 85 percent of the total freshwater and saline-water withdrawals. Fresh groundwater withdrawals of 79.6 Bgal/day in 2005 were about 5 percent less than in 2000, and fresh surface-water withdrawals of 270 Bgal/day were about the same as in 2000. Withdrawals for thermoelectric-power generation and irrigation, the two largest uses of water, have stabilized or decreased since 1980. Withdrawals for public-supply and domestic uses have increased steadily since estimates began.


    美国用水预测表明,本报告所列全美2005年所有取水约4100亿加仑/天(410Bgald),略低于2000年估计数,比1980年高峰年总取水略少约5%2005年淡水取水约349Bgal/d,或占淡水和咸水取水总量的85%2005年地下淡水取水量为 79.6 Bgald,比2000年约少5%,同时地表淡水取水量约270 Bgald,约等于2000年。热力发电和灌溉用水取水是最大的两类用水领域,1980年以来已趋于稳定或下降。公共供水和家庭用水自开始估算以来已经开始稳步增长。



    Withdrawals for irrigation in 2005 were 128 Bgal/d, about 8 percent less than in 2000 and approximately equal to estimates of irrigation water use in 1970. In 2005, irrigation withdrawals accounted for 37 percent of all freshwater withdrawals and 62 percent of all freshwater withdrawals excluding thermoelectric withdrawals. Irrigated acreage increased from 25 million acres in 1950 to 58 million acres in 1980, then remained fairly constant before increasing in 2000 and 2005 to more than 60 million acres. The number of acres irrigated using sprinkler and microirrigation systems

    has continued to increase and in 2005 accounted for 56 percent of the total irrigated acreage.


    Water withdrawals for public supply were 44.2 Bgal/d in 2005, which is 2 percent more than in 2000, although the population increased by more than 5 percent during that time. Public supply accounted for 13 percent of all freshwater withdrawals in 2005 and 21 percent of all freshwater withdrawals excluding thermoelectric withdrawals. The percentage of the U.S. population obtaining drinking water from public suppliers has increased steadily from 62 percent in 1950 to 86 percent in 2005. Most of the population providing their own household water obtained their supplies from ground-water sources.


    Self-supplied industrial water withdrawals continued to decline in 2005, as they have since their peak in 1970. Self-supplied industrial withdrawals were an estimated 18.2 Bgal/d in 2005, a 30-percent decrease from 1985. An estimated 4.02 Bgal/d were withdrawn for mining in 2005, which is 11 percent less than in 2000, and 18 percent less than in 1990. Withdrawals for mining were only 58 percent freshwater.


    Livestock water use was estimated to be 2.14 Bgal/d in 2005, which is the smallest estimate since 1975, possibly due to the use of standardized coefficients for estimation of animal water needs. Water use for aquaculture was an estimated 8.78 Bgal/d in 2005, nearly four times the amount estimated in 1985. Part of this increase is due to the inclusion of more facilities in the estimates in 2005, and the use of standardized coefficients for estimating aquaculture use from other data.


    Fresh surface water was the source for a majority of the public-supply, irrigation, aquaculture, thermoelectric, and industrial withdrawals. Nearly 30 percent of all fresh surface-water withdrawals in 2005 occurred in five States. In California, Idaho, and Colorado, most of the fresh surface-water withdrawals were for irrigation. In Texas and Illinois, most of the fresh surface-water withdrawals were for thermoelectric power generation.


    about 67 percent of fresh groundwater withdrawals in 2005 were for irrigation, and 18 percent were for public supply. More than half of fresh groundwater withdrawals in the United States in 2005 occurred in six States. In California, Texas, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Idaho, most of the fresh groundwater withdrawals were for irrigation. In Florida, 52 percent of all fresh groundwater withdrawals were for public supply, and 34 percent were for irrigation.


    (Thermoelectric Power 热力发电)

    Thermoelectric power has been the category with the largest water withdrawals since 1965, and for 2005 made up 49 percent of total withdrawals. The largest total and fresh and saline surface-water withdrawals were during 1980. Withdrawals by thermoelectric-power plants increased from 40 Bgal/d in 1950 to 210 Bgal/d in 1980, declined to 187 Bgal/d in 1985, and have since increased to 201 Bgal/d in 2005.


    Thermoelectric-power water withdrawals have been affected by limited water availability in some areas of the United States, and also by sections of the Clean Water Act (Amendments to the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act) that regulate cooling system thermal discharges and mandate the use of best available technology for minimizing environmental effects of cooling water intakes (Michelletti and Burns, 2002). Consequently, since the 1970s, power plants have increasingly been built with or converted to using wet recirculating cooling systems (using cooling towers or cooling ponds) or dry recirculating (air-cooled) systems instead of using once-through cooling systems. Recent energy industry data indicate that about 43 percent of the generating capacity in the United States is associated with once-through cooling, 42 percent with wet recirculating cooling towers, 14 percent with wet recirculating cooling ponds, and less than 1 percent with dry recirculating systems (Feeley and others, 2008). Records of cooling systems in fossil fuel plants from 1996 to 2004 and a smaller number of nuclear plants from 1996 to 2000 indicate that average use rates for once-through systems ranged between 50 gallons per kilowatt hour (gal/kWh) and 65 gal/kWh; for recirculating-cooling systems with cooling towers, between 1.0 gal/kWh to 2.0 gal/kWh; and for recirculating-cooling systems with ponds or canals, between 14 gal/kWh to 24 gal/kWh. However, consumptive use ranged from a small percentage of total withdrawals at once-through power plants to approximately 70 percent of water withdrawn at recirculation systems with cooling towers (Dziegielewski and others, 2006).


    Use of recirculation water for cooling reduces the intake water requirement at a power plant, resulting in reduced water withdrawals. The increasing influence over time of using technologies that require less water can be observed in the USGS water-use historical record. The trend showing the increase, decline, and subsequent gradual increase of water withdrawals for thermoelectric power generation from 1950 to 2005 (table 14) occurred as the net power generated increased steadily during the same period (U.S. Department of Energy, 2007). The ratio of total water withdrawals to energy produced, in gallons per kilowatt hour, can be calculated using the USGS estimate of thermoelectric water use with the USDOE EIA records of historic net power production. This ratio decreased from an average of 63 gal/kWh during 1950 to 23 gal/kWh during 2005.


    表2 2005年全美热力发电取水量分类统计表(单位,百万加仑/天)

    表3 2005年全美公共供水取水量(单位,百万加仑/天)

    图1 2005年全美公共取水地图(分水源和分州)




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